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[MGX] Stock - ModStock

[MGX] Stock - ModStock

SKU: MWRPB017800

Welcome to the MGX MarkerSmith
-All MGX MarkerSmith parts are compatible with each other.
-Some MGX MS parts are essential to the proper function of the bodykit, therefore:
-You need to have 1x Core Lower and 1x Core Upper for MGX to work.
-All other parts are optional.


[MGX] Stock - ModStock

MGX Modular Stock or ModStock for short is a full size stock option for the MGX bodykit Series. It Measures 9.5 Inches and can be taken apart for quick teardowns or used in a shorter configuration if needed.

The stock is light weight at 290g yet feels extremely sturdy despite its low profile design. You will find 2 QD sling points on either side of the stock and mounts to the marker with a single screw.

Being modular, there are plans to release more buttstock options compatible with the mount. Other options might be for shorter or longer overall stocks and different shapes and sizes for the buttpad aswell.


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